Hi I’m Mackenzie, a massage therapist and yoga teacher in the beautiful city of Asheville, North Carolina!

  • Massage Therapy

    From the moment you are greeted my goal is to make you feel comfortable, meet your treatment goals and help guide you to live a more full and vibrant life. I utilize an integrative approach and different bodywork techniques are used with every massage to achieve a high-quality and nurturing experience

  • Yoga Classes

    My yoga classes are an integrated blend of vinyasa flow, breath centered moving meditation, restorative and yin practices. My passion is to create a space for people to reconnect with themselves, deepen their awareness, and navigate the practice physically and mentally, on and off the mat.

“It is my honor and privilege to be able to share my skills with the community. Many clients receive lasting relief from their very first visit, and with regular treatments have moved into the pain-free, active lifestyle that they wish to seek. If you would like to feel more aligned in your body, and enjoy a more relaxed, focused and productive life, I invite you to schedule an appointment.
I look forward to working with you!”
-Mackenzie Thomas